Monday, October 1, 2018

January 12 = Rehearsal Dinner Day

It's rehearsal dinner day!  I didn't get a ton of pictures but here's what I did get.

Malia's excited to get dressed up...

Honestly- this was in January and it's now October so... I don't have a ton of insight into these.

Well I do remember that for dessert, two of Liam's groomsmen walked down to Krispy Kreme and brought fresh, hot doughnuts.  It was so very delicious.

January 11 = Rehearsal Dinner Prep Day

Kayleigh and I headed to Raleigh with Mimi & Gramps to "help" set up for the rehearsal dinner.  My cousin, Aaron, watched Liam and Malia for me which was really really awesome.  He hasn't been able to spend a ton of time with them because of us living so far away so the fact that he was willing to do that meant a lot to me!  

And back at home, Rosie and Joey were holding down the fort.