Sunday, June 26, 2016

June 5 = New Playground Day

First here's a picture of Malia copying her momma.  I've been using this roller on my quads because they have been so sore.  I did it a few hours before this picture was taken- she's got a good memory!

Also, I saw this today and laughed out loud because Zachary was sitting right next to me.

Anyway- now onto to the fun part of today!  Zachary runs.  A lot.  So he was running the other day and found this tiny little playground in a neighborhood that he has never seen kids on so we drove there to check it out.

After they were tired of the new playground equipment, we went on a walk.  We found honeysuckle and pointed out some butterflies and birds- it was fun!  Until Liam tripped and busted his knee open- that ended our excursion real quick!

Have to share another Facebook picture I saw:

And a picture of our cats- Joey had been grooming Marley for a solid five minutes before I finally got a picture of them.  They love each other.

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