Thursday, July 6, 2017

June 7 = Sibling Love Day

Look at these two siblings:

 And these two:

Also, furthering her quest for small spaces she can fit into, here's Rosie...

June 6 = Messy Hair Don't Care Day

I love this girl...

And Rosie's still up to her shenanigans of jumping in the stroller for walks...

June 5 = Date Night!

Kayleigh's bow came today!

Also, the kids' favorite child care worker at the gym sends me pictures every once in a while- I'm not a snapchat user but she sent me these snapchat pictures with funny filters- gotta love them.

Zachary and I got to go out on a date tonight!  Last time we went out, we left the dog at home and in the crate and she was up all night so we looked for somewhere to eat where we could take Miss Rosie with us.  She was a hit!

Also, for your entertainment- here's a video of the kids singing along with a video from this Youtube channel that Liam's teacher used in ECI- she sent home a list of things they used throughout the year so I pulled it up on the TV and it may be one of the best things I've ever done as a parent... great entertainment for them and for me!

June 4 = 38 Weeks Day

First- Zachary made this yummy hashbrown thing in the waffle iron this morning.  We watched a couple of episodes of Pioneer Woman and that one apparently spoke to him because I woke up this morning to this delicious treat:

One week to go!! Well, a week and a day.

Zachary took the kids and the dog to the playground while I was resting but I got bored and decided to join them.  One of Zachary's life mottoes is: "Work Smarter, not Harder."

I am obsessed with these pictures I got of Miss Rosie and the kids:

Rosie has also taken on her Daddy's motto- she's started hitching a ride in the stroller every chance she gets.

June 3 = Water Table Day

First- I can't believe this was taken a year ago today... I absolutely remember this smiling for this picture.

And second- yesterday, at Liam's ECI celebration, he spent the whole play time outside at this water table they had... I've been wanting to get the kids a water table for a while- since Jacksonville, really, but there wasn't really anywhere to put it... until now!  Malia had a blast... Liam totally ignored it.

I don't know what was going on here but Liam does not look pleased and Malia looks like she's in her own world:

Apparently, we wore Rosie out today...

June 2 = Liam's ECI Celebration Day

Liam's ECI class had an end of year celebration today- last night we were informed siblings couldn't attend (even though three did today) so I went and Zachary and Malia went to the gym.  They sang some songs and then played outside- it was pretty uneventful but it was so fun seeing Liam get so excited to see me when I walked into his classroom unexpectedly!

And here's Rosie... pre-bath:

And post-bath:

June 1 = Messy, Yogurty Kids Day

First of all- great gift idea for Zachary.  Liam needs a shirt that says "small 1," Malia can be "small 2" and Kayleigh can be "small 3." 

Also- I took this video because Malia was being especially silly- I just never want to forget her little two year old personality- she's got a lot of it!

May 31 = Ride in the Truck Day

How cute are these pictures of Zachary with his boy in his truck... they couldn't be happier!

Also, I took a screenshot of this order- I ordered a bow for Miss Kayleigh- she's going to be here so soon!!

And here's a cute puppy...

May 30 = Malia & Rosie Day

I'm not going to lie- I have no idea what happened today- if Liam was at school, or in a bad mood or what- I don't know why he's not in any pictures because these were taken over a month ago... so here goes lots of posts with mainly pictures and my best guess at what was going on surrounding them.

I do remember Rosie dragging toilet paper all the way from the bathroom to the gate... silly puppy!