Monday, March 19, 2018

November 12 = Thankful Tree Day

First, here's Rosie riding shotgun:

 And here are some pictures of our thankful tree- we had so much fun making this!

So that you don't have to zoom in, here's what the leaves say:

  • Kayleigh
  • Zachary
  • McDoggles (McDonalds)
  • Music
  • Grandma
  • Malia
  • Ms. Trish
  • Joey
  • Rosie Dog
  • Church Concerts
  • Mommy
  • Marley
  • Colors
  • Gigi
  • Gym Park
  • Mimi
  • Uncle Matt & Rachel
  • Matt & Meese
  • Dops
  • Minnie Mouse
And at the very bottom we have Gramps & Jesus.  When my dad first saw it, he was slightly offended that he was at the bottom but when he saw he was next to Jesus he figured it was alright.

Also, I'm super late on taking Kayleigh's 5 month picture but better late than never right?  Right??

And here's a picture of Rosie just because:

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