Sunday, August 18, 2019

August 18 2019 = Duty Day

Zachary's on duty today.  He was supposed to leave on Friday for a month and then it got pushed to Saturday and then it got pushed to Tuesday.  He has duty today (Sunday) but we got a bonus Saturday with him and we'll see him tomorrow night before he heads out.  I'm a bit nervous about this underway because it's been a while since I've been alone with the kids for this long- and let's just say I think it would be easier if school were back in session... I'd have just Kayleigh from 7:30-2:30 and we'd have a much more established routine buttttttttt alas we have two weeks left of summer.  So I'm going to focus on enjoying this time with my soon to be first grader and kindergartener!

Here is the one picture I've taken today:

I slept in a little this morning and when I finally emerged, the kids were giving their stuffed animals a concert with Liam's new microphone stand he got in his little pre-birthday party last night... that post coming soon.  I have a new strategy with the blog... I'm going to focus on the present and then do extra from the big gaping hole between this one and the previous one.  It's hard to see in this picture but each stuffed animal had it's own bow placed perfectly in her hair- except the elephant who had one on it's tail.

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