Sunday, November 27, 2016

October 12 = Busy Day

I'm writing this post a month and a half after and looking at it- what a busy day!

First, Liam grabbed this off the counter and helped himself.  Candy corn and honey roasted peanuts.  Delicious.

Then here's Malia and her creative way of reaching the piano:

I had to take Malia with us to Liam's OT appointment- which I don't make a habit of doing because she's not a fan of being in doctors' offices but she did really well today.

Look at these sweet babies!!


I know that's a lot of pictures of Malia in sunglasses and now I'm going to add a video.  But she's just so cute!!

Also as I made dinner tonight, the kids were quietly playing downstairs.  Here's what I found when I went down to get them :)

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