Wednesday, February 21, 2018

October 23 = Eventful Day

We started off the day by heading to Liam's appointment- I brought some playing cards for Malia to play with in hopes that she would be at least slightly entertained- it was pretty successful!

Then we headed to the Y for Malia's gymnastics class.  It's so fun watching her run around and just doing whatever she wants!  

On the way out of the Y, Malia started complaining about her nose- I looked in it and could tell something was in there so I took Liam to the CDC and headed to the ER- sure enough this is what they found... I have no clue what it is- it was black and spongy- who knows.

 While I was calling her PCM to let them know we went to the ER, this happened:

It really is incredible how quickly they can make such a big mess.

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