Sunday, September 7, 2014

August 30 = Friends Day

In a previous post I talked about the deal we have with some of our neighbors about trading date nights and baby sitting nights- we watched Jake and Allison tonight- our first time watching four kids!  We headed outside pretty early on because Malia and Liam love going for walks and Jake and Liam love being outside so it worked out well- oh and Allison may be the easiest baby to take care of ... ever.  We walked down to the playground and upon discovering seven mosquito bites in a two inch radius on Liam's arm, we discovered we forgot the bug spray (baby friendly bug spray).  Thankfully this playground is closed in so I was able to keep the four babies with me and Zachary ran back to the car to get the bug spray- of course he was super fast so I wasn't left alone for long.  

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