Saturday, September 27, 2014

September 5 = Liam's 2nd Birthday!

Time flies when you're having fun!  These last two years with this adorable, mischief making, happy, stubborn, loving, caring, sweet little boy have been better than I ever imagined they could be.  I woke Liam up with the singing of Happy Birthday- I'll spare you the video... and we started the day of celebration off with a toast and fruit breakfast- please notice the toast is in the shape of a two- he didn't so do me a favor and appreciate it for him.

Then we had some "loving on sissy" time.

He had PT and OT and then we had our oh so sacred Chick-Fil-A lunch of course with Daddy.

Grammy, Gramps, Matthew & Corinne came up that night bringing presents to open and he opened a package from Great Granny Jean!

Besides the morning serenade and the awesome presents, it was a pretty normal day- the partying would begin tomorrow!

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