Sunday, July 31, 2016

July 14 = Amy's Birthday

First, I got this for Liam at Target today.  Zachary had some NBA sheets growing up and I've heard him talk about them several times- I know he wishes he still had them!  So I did the next best thing and got Liam some NFL sheets.

Also today was my friend Amy's birthday!  We took the kids to Amy's house where the babysitter was and she watched Liam, Malia and Evie for us so we could go have a nice dinner at Blackwell Hitch.  I got a juicy bacon cheeseburger and yummy rosemary fries.  Oh and some sangria.  Yum.

No pictures of the kids today- weird!!

July 13 = See a Bunny Day

Here's the too cool (and young) for school girly girl:

Malia hung out with Grammy and Zachary and I walked Liam to the playground right across the street.

We saw a bunny!

Then Liam tried to catch the bunny so we didn't see the bunny anymore.

Liam is loving riding on Daddy's shoulders!  He, very often, pats Zachary and says "shoulders."  It's super cute.

July 12 = Attempted Photo Shoot Day

First this:

Next, Malia's birthday is coming up.  My mom's here so I'm able to get a little work done while she pleads with them to not hurt themselves or each other.  Here's a wreath I made for her Bubble Guppies party:

Then I thought it would be nice to have some pictures of the little two year old so we headed to the Naval Academy with a blanket and a number two.  It didn't go as well as I was hoping- here's how Malia felt about the situation:

I do like this one:

Liam was sharing some flowers with his little sister- how sweet he is!


I love how she's on her little tippy toes in this one!

Here's Liam being sweet again- showing some love to Bebe (that's how he says Joey).

Then it was bath time for the little one.  I will never understand how she gets so dirty.

July 11 = I Have Cute Kids Day

I don't really have anything to say- this was 20 days ago.  But they are cute.

Oh.  I will comment on this one.  Malia is more likely to sit still than Liam but this is still a rarity.  She let Grammy rub her hair and hold her for quite a while.  Nothing better.

She brought Gigi downstairs for Mr. Liam.  Such a good sister!

Tuesday, July 26, 2016

July 10 = Try a Tricycle Day

This is how Liam greeted me this morning:

Tonight for dessert I made Ree Drummond's cinnamon crisps and served it with vanilla ice cream- delicious!

Malia had some snuggle time with her baby:


They love each other!

Grandma and Daps got Liam a tricycle a while back- I thought maybe he would be ready to try it today.  He didn't push the pedals himself but he did enjoy being

Malia was watching TV while we were playing outside-how cute is she?

July 7 = New SMOs Day

We went to Walter Reed today to get Liam fitted for his new SMOs which are the braces he wears under his shoes.  The parking lot we needed was closed so we were pretty late for his appointment having to walk from the other side of the hospital but the orthotist was even later, so it all worked out.

July 6 = Silly Day

First, this:

Second, this:

We had waffles for breakfast this morning and Malia ate most of hers but was more interested in just the syrup.  Silly, silly girl.

Monday, July 25, 2016

July 2 = Outback Day

First these two pictures I saw on Facebook- love them both.

And I had to separate those from this one because this one is really weird and sounds awful but I totally got it.  And I love weeding- I really do.

Here's Liam and Malia trying to get Marley to get out from under the bed.  She did not cooperate.

We decided to go out to eat tonight! A very rare occurrence.  The kids did well! Here's Malia dipping her bread in the butter- momma's girl.

July 1 = Sit Together Day

All I know about this picture is Malia is cute.  Liam is too but he's hiding from the camera.