Thursday, December 29, 2016

November 23 = Christmas Decorating Day

Well this little baby keeps growing...

Zachary has decided our new family tradition is going to be decorating for Christmas the day before Thanksgiving.  I for one am a fan of celebrating Thanksgiving by itself- giving it its proper time- but I'll let go on this one.  So here's Liam checking out our tree:

And here it is put up:

Here's Malia helping me with the nativity scene:

And now it's time to put lights on the tree- Zachary made me help just once so we could say I did help... 

but Malia was the real star here:

Yay!  It's all done and the lights work!

Here's Liam and Dops doing their own thing:

Malia found the Rudolph nose- she's a fan!

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