Monday, December 19, 2016

November 8 = Election Day

I was so motivated this morning.  I got up early, unloaded the dishwasher, made the kids' breakfast, got them up, dressed and both in the car ready to take Liam to the bus and then Malia and I were going to leave from there to go to the grocery store.  We are in dire need of a grocery store trip.  I get to the bus stop, get Liam out of the car and we stand on our little spot.  And I notice no one's outside at the other bus stop.  And I think... does he have school today?  The answer is no.  He did not have school today.  So I broke my rule of NEVER EVER going to the grocery store by myself with both kids because as I said, we were in dire need.  And it actually wasn't that bad.  I took this picture of the kids in the little car to remind myself that they did a pretty good job.

The day started off just peachy.  I was excited that we were probably going to elect our first female president... I sent this to my family group text all emotional...

And then read this and realized I wasn't alone:

And then I just casually went about my day... saved some FB pictures...

And eventually we settled in to watch history happen. 

Excuse the language but this is exactly how I felt:

The results were not coming in as I would have liked but Facebook was telling me to remain calm...

And then it got a little scarier...

But Zachary wasn't worried...

Love both Matt Nathanson's and Jen Hatmaker's comments here: 


Then it got even scarier...

A little humor...

And then this...

Thankfully my brother was up and sharing the election day jitters with me since my husband was passed out.  

So it didn't go my way.  And as a military wife I'm scared.  I get that people don't like Hillary- they think she's a liar and a stereotypical career politician.  This whole scandal with her emails really did her in.  I don't think everyone quite understands what classified emails are- she wasn't forwarding the nuclear codes to anyone- but I get it, I get it.  What bothers me is I feel that President-elect Trump ran on a message of hate.  Of shutting people out, turning people away, condoning violence against people who don't agree with you.  I didn't hear a lot of policy from him- I heard lots of vague promises and lots of inflammatory language.  I'm not saying everyone that voted for him support his message of hate.  I get that some people vote for specific issues and will pick the candidate whose views align with theirs the most on those issues.  I was super impressed with his victory speech and maybe, just maybe, he said and did all of these things because he knew he could win with it and now he'll get serious and everything will be fine.  But his temperament scares me.  So hopefully it was all an act and he's calm, cool and collected and he won't declare war over something silly.  Let us pray.

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