Thursday, December 29, 2016

November 24 = Zachary's Birthday and Early Christmas

Grandma and Dops came up to visit us this weekend for Zachary's birthday so we decided to go ahead and do Christmas gifts since we won't be traveling to NC and they have to be close to home for Christmas eve service and Christmas day since it's on a Sunday this year.

Here's a hat Zachary got but that Malia promptly took as her own:

Malia's a big fan of the tree.

Here's her dress-up stuff from Grandma and Dops- she tried to see just how many pieces she could wear at once:

She wouldn't stay still long enough for me to get a picture of her in her pretty Thanksgiving dress- this is as good as it got:

And here's Liam and Zachary in their matching Christmas presents:

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