Thursday, January 19, 2017

December 11 = Mess Day

Look!  Baby's the size of a lemon :):)

Also, funny memory from today (sometimes, when funny things happen, I make a note in my phone and screenshot it so I'll remember to blog about it- my memory's not sharp enough for me to remember this from over a month ago haha):

Liam is really into singing with anything he can make pass as a microphone.  Today he was singing and when he was done with his song, said "thanks guys" and just walked away like he was walking off stage.  It was really funny- he's a character.

Also- we had two babysitters yesterday while we were at the game- one started the afternoon and the other took over in the evening.  This is what remained:

It makes me feel better that they only had them for a couple of hours and couldn't keep the house clean so pressure's off for me, right??

Malia found some headbands and bracelets... my girly girl!

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