Thursday, January 19, 2017

December 21 = Travel Eve

We leave tomorrow to go to NC for a while so today was about packing and cleaning!

Malia slept in her robe and new shoes that she got last night:

I'm going to clean these walls... one day.  Probably not today.

We got this Christmas card sent home with Liam- here's his class- he's so cute!!

Malia knows it's cold outside so she got ready by putting her socks on her hands.  Now we just need to find socks to put on her feet...

Malia is such a caring little girl- here she is taking care of her baby:

Liam got tired so he hid under his blanket- he doesn't want anyone to know he's tired.

We started these last night but they had to stay in the refrigerator over night so we baked them tonight.  Yummmmmmm!!

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