Friday, January 20, 2017

December 22nd = McKenzie Day

We made it to Smithfield!  And to celebrate, Zachary and I got to go out for a dinner date to La Cocina!  We were seated at table 13 and if you know us, you know 13 is our number.  We started dating on the 13th and we also found out we were expecting Liam and Malia on the 13th.  This new little girl hasn't had any affiliation with our favorite number so when we were seated at table 13, Zachary decided it would be a good time to pick her name. 

We flipped some coins about a million times... but we have this strategy where we flip a coin but then we'll say which one we were hoping for, heads or tails, and that's more often than not how we make our decision instead of what the coin says.  Well the coin and our preference were the same in this case so unless something drastic happens, we'll be welcoming little McKenzie in June :)

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