Monday, May 29, 2017

May 13 = Big Graduation Day

Well I saw this and I have to start with it because it fits me very well...

And now I'll post some pictures from Matthew's graduation!

Oops... found something else that fit me very well.  Graduations are boring, okay?

I was in seat 13 on May 13th- our dating anniversary- had to take a picture!

Meese's parents came to watch Matt graduate- so cute :)

After graduation, Matthew & Meese's church group threw Matt a party- Zachary met us there with the whole clan... my dad got to have some bonding time with Miss Rosie.

We didn't stay very long because... we rarely stay anywhere besides the gym or home for very long... here's Rosie meeting Abbie.

Soon after, my parents got home and they watched the kids for us so we could go grab dinner at La Cocina.  Still working on the final baby name...

Then it was time for bed.  Haha, not.

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