Monday, May 29, 2017

May 18 = OT Meltdown Day

Things started just fine and dandy this morning...

And then we got to OT.  Every time we go to OT, Liam gets a muffin from the front of the office.  There's a basket in the same spot every single time we go with plenty of muffins.  If Malia is with us, he knows to get two and if Malia's not with us, he knows to get one (and usually sneaks another on the way out).  Well they didn't have muffins today.  Actual conversation from this discovery:

Liam: Where the muffins?
Me: I don't know buddy, they must have run out.

So I spent about 10 minutes calming him down and letting him know they might have them next time but today, they were all gone... blah blah blah... and then the therapist comes out, asks what's wrong, and takes him to the staff room and gets him a muffin.  Oh well.

But the day ended on a much better note...

Fun times outside with the kids and the dog- what a great Thursday!

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