Wednesday, August 23, 2017

June 14 = EEG Day

Not a lot to post today- Kayleigh's EEG started yesterday but will be continuing all day today- and she can't eat while she's on it.  She's getting nutrients through her IV and she's really really sleepy so so far she's been fine- I remember when Liam couldn't eat during his EEG- he was not as fine.

It's been kind of hard to balance time with Kayleigh in the hospital with the other two at home- we knew it would be a challenge but this hospital stay has added to it to say the least.  But our kids are super adaptable and are doing just fine with Gramps and Mimi and Uncle Matt and Meese.

More pictures of Miss Kayleigh:

Liam and Zachary have started playing hide and seek- here's Liam hiding attempt:

And we can't forget about Miss Rosie.  Our neighbors have been awesome- each of the three ladies in our building takes her for a little walk each day so she's still getting lots of attention and love!

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