Monday, October 2, 2017

August 10 = Decorate Your Sister Day

It's a good thing we have a king bed!

One of Malia's favorite things to do is to pick flowers.  She does it pretty much every day but today she got a bunch and was holding them like a bouquet so I got a quick picture.

Also, Liam and Malia discovered my sticker stash and did this to their poor baby sister:

So here are pictures of Kayleigh.  It says she's two months old.  She's two months and some change because I didn't take the picture on her actual two months old day.  Because she's a third child.  And the one picture I do have, she's crying in it.  I tried to get another one but she didn't stop crying and instead of waiting an hour and taking another one, I put the board away and went on with my day.  Here's hoping next month's will be better!

See?  I could have just taken it right then- she was much happier soon after.  Oops.

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