Sunday, October 8, 2017

August 13 = Hair Cut Day

I just love this picture- Kayleigh looks like she's saying "what were you thinking?" which could easily apply to any number of situations in our house.

Malia didn't get a traditional nap today- she went for a more creative set-up.

I don't know where this came from, but these kids are obsessed with cutting.  I've definitely make it to where all non-safety scissors are out of reach.  The safety scissors are behind a door that's supposed to be locked but sometimes I forget... well.  If you forget one time, Liam will take advantage and he did today.  He got the scissors and cut a little bit of Malia's hair.  Thank goodness I caught it quickly and this was the extent of the damage:

Later, we had bath time and the siblings were being extra affectionate with one another... so sweet!

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