Monday, October 2, 2017

August 11 = New Chair Day

Kayleigh got a new chair today!  I think she has a love/hate relationship with her swing because when she's in it, she's usually upset just because if she's upset and we aren't able to make her happy, she goes in the swing.  So I think she associates it with being upset.  I wanted a bouncer- this said it was a bouncer but it is not a bouncer.  But she seems to like it so we'll keep it and see how it goes!

Look at how much they love their little sister (in yet another sitting/laying down device).

After the hard work of keeping a baby happy, it's good to sit and relax.

Also, I took this picture of Malia's little footprints because... well I'm obsessed with baby feet and hers are still little enough to count.

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