I'd love to take credit for the idea myself but I found it on Pinterest. I'm also going to make a "Happy Fathers' Day" banner- also courtesy of Pinterest. I haven't put the letters on the ties yet but here are the various ties that I'm using:
I just realized the music notes are upside down. It's fine. Moving on. I made two of each pattern in case you're looking at them and thinking there aren't enough to spell out "Happy Fathers' Day."
So when we got home Liam was way past ready for a nap so I fed him a quick lunch and laid him down and as I was working on all of this Zachary got home from the gym. So I told him not to look and finished his goodie bags real quick and gave them to him a day early- we never ever wait until the appropriate day to give gifts.
When Liam woke up from his nap we headed downstairs with a picnic blanket, a bag full of toys, hamburgers, chips, ketchup, cheese, plates, forks and a can-do attitude and Zachary grilled hamburgers while I attempted to entertain Liam.
The first picture makes it seem as though he is cooperating but as the second picture shows it wasn't long before he wanted to do something different. I'm pretty excited that I captured him signing "I want." He always wants something. If we could get him to sign what exactly it is that he wants we'd have it made. And the third picture shows our view from the picnic blanket. If you look closely you can see the water through the trees- it was so pretty outside- the perfect day for a cookout/picnic.
Liam ate 3/4ths of a full hamburger and all of his macaroni and cheese. He is his daddy's son- loves that mac 'n' cheese.
After we finished eating we started going through some boxes that were thrown together right before we moved. Liam was not a fan of this boring work so we didn't last long in the garage. We brought him upstairs so he could play and he kept bringing Zachary various articles of clothing to put on him. This is completely off topic from the rest of this post but I had to share because he thought it was so funny to put all of these clothes on and one of his favorite things is making others laugh and he sure succeeded.
And one last set of pictures... last year for Valentine's Day I took pictures of Liam holding the letters spelling out "dad." Last year it was much, much easier because Liam had no interest in the letters- he just let them rest against him and was really cute for the pictures. This year I had to take about 20 pictures of each to get one that was acceptable for the frame.
Here's the difference a year makes:
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