Tuesday, June 24, 2014

June 22 = Try Out New Stroller Day

Oh the joys and challenges of having two children really close in age.  Two car seats in the car for the foreseeable future since, in Maryland at least, children have to be in a "child safety seat" until they are 57 inches tall or 7 years old.  The days of getting the super light, easily maneuverable umbrella stroller out of the back of the CRV and heading inside the store are coming to an end.  Cue internet searches for "Honda Odyssey vs. Toyota Sienna" and a double stroller!  I have been going to the YMCA for walking because the heat and the hills do not agree well with my current 35 weeks pregnant status but this particular night it was great; the temperature was perfect and I felt like I could benefit from some fresh air so we hit the sidewalks instead and decided to see how Liam liked the double stroller.  He held on the whole time, acting like he was steering and he was very alert.  He loved it!

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