Usually when people ask me what the little baby's name is and I tell them, "Malia," I get the response: "Oooh that's so pretty!" A couple of times I've been asked where that name comes from, that they've never heard it before. That clues me in that they don't know much about our president but I let that go and tell them about the time I met my good friend, Malia. It was my junior year at Carolina and I had done something I would have never guessed I would do, auditioned for an a cappella group. I've always loved singing but to actually sing by myself in front of several (and at the time intimidating) girls I've never met is a bit uncharacteristic of me but I did it. And I made it! The night they decided who was in, they came to each of our dorm rooms to give us the good news and took us to a common area of another dorm for us to meet the existing and fellow new members. One of my fellow new members came up and introduced herself, "Hi! I'm Malia." I responded, "Malia?! That is beautiful. I'm going to name my child that one day." Over the next few years I got to know Malia- we were in Cadence for a year and a half together and then we really got to know each other better through studying for, and eventually kicking butt on, the GRE. She is beautiful, so very kind, one of the smartest people I know and has an awesome sense of adventure. We already know our little Malia is beautiful but as a mother, I hope to raise her to have these same wonderful qualities my friend Malia has. So it was such a good day when Malia was able to Annapolis from DC where she's been living for the summer while completing an internship. We went to lunch at potato valley... is there a more perfect restaurant for me to go to? No. We also grabbed some ice cream and then came back to the apartment and caught up. It was a wonderful visit and I'm so happy that she was able to meet her namesake and also see Liam again!
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