Friday, August 22, 2014

August 15 = Re-visit old toy day

One of the main challenges I'm facing when home alone with two under two is during times when I have to pump.  I can put Malia on the bed and feed her or help her with her pacifier but having Liam up on the bed too doesn't ever work- I can't be available enough to feel Malia is safe and even if I did, the likelihood of him staying on the bed is slim to none so I'd have to disconnect from the pump and go make sure he was safe himself.  So I pump when Liam is napping but having to pump every 3 hours at least, sometimes I have to leave him in his high chair or in his room with some toys.  In this picture, I had left him in his room with his toys but came in to see him doing this:

I had this out for Malia when we were all three in Liam's room.  When this was Liam's toy, he had no interest in it all.  Better late than never?

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