Wednesday, August 13, 2014

July 26 = Stuffed Animal Day

Growing up, Zachary had a bear that he loved.  It has survived to this day but is not in the best shape.  His parents bought an identical bear, and from what I hear traveled a good distance to get it, but Zachary knew an imposter when he saw it and the twin bear was unacceptable.  Like father, like son, Liam is very attached to his giraffe, GiGi.  My mom got it for him before we even knew that we were expecting a boy.  He had no interest in it for over a year and then all the sudden, became obsessed.  I tried early on in his obsession to get a GiGi twin, hoping to avoid the rejection Zachary displayed all those years ago but I was too late.  GiGi II will go to Malia one day.  Anyway- here is Malia with Zachary's beloved bear's twin.

We also got some cute pictures of Liam finally showing some interest in his baby sister.

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