Ughhhh I hate taking my little man to get painful procedures done. We saw a geneticist a few weeks back and today it was time to get the bloodwork they wanted done after they saw the MRI. They did 3 tests- one for Fragile X Syndrome, one for NF and one that looks at his whole genome. We had to go all the way to Bethesda so all four of us packed up and headed to Walter Reed. We had to wait a while to go back and I know he had no idea what was coming but I did and it was torture. You would think as many times as we have had to do stuff like this, it would get easier- I'd have an easier time remembering that he would be completely fine 10 minutes after but it's not. Every time I feel like I'm tricking him and I feel sad that most of his peers have never had blood drawn or MRIs or EEGs. So I was glad Zachary could go. He was able to play with him in this cool bus they had in the waiting room. This little girl was really into Liam- rubbing his hair and holding his hand. Liam played it cool sippin' on his juice.
He also showcased his climbing skills and sat in this chair all by himself and Malia slept.
I was going to let just Zachary go back with Liam but the geneticist said the more reinforcements, the better so unhappily went back. I saw the six vials they had to fill laid out on the table and asked if they reallyyyyyyyyy needed me and they said no so I got to leave. Well- hindsight being 20/20, I should have stayed in. The what seemed like million times he screamed out were not a million sticks like I thought but him just being mad they were holding him down. They did have to stick him 3 times in different places because the blood would just stop flowing but Zachary said he did really great with the actual bloodwork- he just hated being held down. Anyways- it is over and hopefully this is the last bloodwork we will have to get done in a long, long time.
On a side note- here's miss sassy lips after we got home:
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