Sunday, November 23, 2014

November 8 = Relax Day

We learned from the Marine Corps Marathon experience and planned accordingly- instead of traveling to the site of the marathon the day before, we decided to plan to have all day Saturday to take it easy.  We woke up at a very decent hour, picked up Zachary's race day packet and had a delicious lunch at Big Al's.  Then, after going back to the hotel to pump, of course, we went to Roanoke Island Festival Park and had the museum there all to ourselves.  We stopped by the gift shop and got Liam a wooden recorder like instrument and a magnet.  We also stopped at another store and got him a classic OBX shirt.  We then rode around and saw the baseball fields Zachary used to play on- something he has to do every time he visits- and even got to walk a little on the beach.

We ate dinner at Sugar Creek and then went back to the hotel.  Zachary watched football and I read.  The goal was to have an easy going day and we achieved it!

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