Sunday, November 23, 2014

November 9 = Run (another) Marathon Day

Race Day!  We all woke up early and Malia and I drove Zachary to the start line.  It was about a thirty minute drive but only required two or three turns so I knew I'd make it back to the hotel fine.  Until five minutes into my trip back I discovered they had already closed the main road for the race.  But, as Siri continued to tell me to get back on the main road, I used my own sense of direction and made it back just fine.  I then took a nap and woke up in time to pack up most of the stuff in the room and strap Malia on to walk to the finish line.  We hadn't been there long when Zachary crossed after running for 3 hours, 2 minutes and 26 seconds!  

We met up with him in front of a store we had chosen the day before and walked back to the room.  Malia was more tired than Zachary was!

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