Thursday, November 13, 2014

October 24 = Sit in New Places Day

I've discussed before how torn I am with what to do with Liam while I'm pumping.  Well today, he was entertaining himself really well in the living room so I figured by the time he figured out I wasn't in the room, I'd be almost done anyway so I let him just hang out.  When I got done pumping, I came out to find this:

I guess he thought the pumpkin needed a good cleaning.  Then, later, we got this in the mail.  It has a higher back than the bumbo so Malia doesn't have to work so hard to stay up, therefore she can stay in it longer because she doesn't get tired and frustrated.  She loves sitting up and looking around so I had this on the Christmas list but as things go in this house, Christmas gifts never make it to Christmas.

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