Friday, April 3, 2015

March 30 = Easter Goodies Day

I got home from the gym and discovered a big box at our door from Grandma and Pops!  I got super excited and was not disappointed.  There were lots and lots of candy and snacks and then toys for both babies- Malia got this baby doll.  I took it out and handed it to her and Liam immediately said "Baby!"  Liam got a dinosaur- when I took that out of the box, he loudly roared at it.  Then I opened the candy- should have waited until Liam went down for a nap because he's at the age now where I have to share :( Well, there were a few things in there just for me- Easter kitchen towels- I LOVE seasonal kitchen towels- and lemon heads, my favorite candy which, conveniently, Liam can't have.

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