Friday, April 3, 2015

April 2 = Steal Brother's Cantaloupe Day

Well Malia is becoming quite the thief with her newly found mobility.  I put a plate of cantaloupe on the floor because he refuses to sit in his high chair.  And cue the mantra "choose your battles."  We had thirty minutes to change diapers, get dressed, eat breakfast and get in the car to go to OT and ST so forcing him to sit in his high chair was not on the agenda.  Between me putting the plate on the floor, putting the rest of the cantaloupe back in the refrigerator and reentering the living room, Malia had crawled and scooted her way over to the plate and was eating Liam's breakfast.

 He made this in OT:

And when we got home, he wanted to take a selfie.  He is cute.

And then we snapped a picture of Malia (playing with another of Liam's toys.  Oops)

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