Friday, September 22, 2017

July 23 = Say Goodbye Day

My two favorite sisters again:

We leave so soon!  Today we said goodbye to my best friend in Annapolis.  Amy's husband, Will, is in the same program Zachary was in- they did grad school together and then were both company officers at the same time.  They'll be going to Newport about a year after we are there.  Amy and I started our friendship in the yoga studio- we both loved Vinyasa yoga and went to as many classes together as we could.  Eventually we started walking on the treadmill or getting on ellipticals next to each other and would talk our way through our hour long workouts.  After that, we started getting together for play dates and our two families got together several times- even for Easter last year.  When we first moved to Annapolis, we were both pregnant with our girls.  Then, we both went through miscarriages around the same time and both got pregnant again around the same time.  Her friendship was so very important to me- our husbands had similar crazy schedules so we really understood each other.  It was really hard to say goodbye but with both of our husbands being SWOs and planning on retiring with the Navy, we're bound to end up at the same base at some point in the future.  Here's the only picture I got:

But here's a little collage Amy made- so grateful she took these pictures and shared them!

1 comment:

  1. What a cute picture of Malia and Kayleigh!
    So hard to leave friends, but "Friends are friends forever".
