Saturday, November 11, 2017

October 15 = Church Day

So today was one of my favorite days ever.  We went to church- we've been going to the church that AWANA is at so that Liam can go twice a week and get used to it a little faster.  The church's childcare routine is for them to be in the church for the beginning but we haven't tried that... until today!  

They do worship music for about 20 minutes at the beginning and since Liam loves music we decided to give it a try today.  I sent this text to Alexandra:

"I just had the happiest moment of my life.  We let the kids come into the sanctuary for the music.  Liam stood with these three women- one of whom sits with him at AWANA he was clapping and smiling and swaying and like bowing his head and folding his hands.  Malia had this cute dress on and boots and she's spinning around and singing and dancing and I was holding Kayleigh and she was asleep and so sweet.  It was seriously the best few minutes ever ever."

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