Wednesday, November 8, 2017

September 13 = Bad Rosie Day

When Zachary left this morning, he left the door open and the gate closed so Rosie had free reign of the backyard and the dining room/kitchen.  This has never been a problem.  Until today.  She got my planner, my license, and Zachary's very nice sunglasses off the counter, took them outside and had lots of fun.  My planner is the only place I have all of Liam's many, many appointments written down.  It's going to be fun calling everyone he has appointments with to see when he's scheduled.  Here's hoping I don't forget anyone...

Like mommy like daughter...

Zachary snapped this picture of me and my Kayleigh bug... nothing special but moments I'll want to remember.

I repaid the favor and got one of Zachary and little miss Kayleigh.  I love their relationship... so sweet!

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