Friday, December 19, 2014

November 24 = Zachary's Birthday!

This is the only picture I have from Zachary's birthday.  It was the day before we left for NC for a week.  And that's really all I remember.  Sad.

I can talk about the birthday gifts I got him.  I gave them to him a few days before his birthday because we are incapable of waiting until the day they are supposed to be given.  I had five paper bags- one for each of the five senses and had quotes on the bags about the individual sense and gifts that appealed to that certain sense.  For sight, I had a shadowbox showcasing mementos from this OBX marathon.  For smell, I had some scented beads and a car air freshener.  For hearing, I had John Legend's latest CD as well as Garth Brooks' first CD since 2001.  One of the things Zachary and I bonded over in the beginning of our relationship was our mutual love for Garth Brooks' music.  For touch I found a massage oil from the Bath & Body Works section at the exchange and I got a Toms scarf from Target.  I wasn't sure if he would embrace the scarf but I thought for when it gets really cold, it'll be a nice thing to have.

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