Saturday, February 14, 2015

February 4 = Dinner with Friends Day

We had such a busy day today!  I took the kids to the gym today so I could go to yoga with my friend, Amy.  Getting them to the gym is no easy feat and should count as a workout in and of itself but it's good for my mental and physical state and it's good for Liam and Malia to see other kids and spend time around other adults also so everyone wins!  Amy's husband, Will, is in the same program Zachary is and so she invited us and the other wives of guys in the same program over for dinner- we try to do this most Wednesday or Thursday nights since the guys have class in DC those nights but with everyone's nap, bath and bedtime schedules sometimes it can be pretty difficult.  But this one worked out wonderfully!  Here's Malia and Amy and Will's daughter, Evie- they like looking at each other and we are convinced they are going to be the best of friends!

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