Saturday, February 14, 2015

February 7 = Grocery Cart

I remember the first day Liam sat in the grocery cart by himself.  Zachary was gone quite often and so I'd go grocery shopping by myself all the time.  Before he could sit in the grocery cart by himself, I had to put the car seat in the big part of the cart meaning I could only get groceries that would fit in the seat part.  That wasn't a lot.  So when he sat in the seat leaving the big part free for more groceries, it was a good day.  And now Malia has reached that point too!

On a completely unrelated note, Liam thought it would be fun to play with the salt shaker today after dinner.  I had already cleaned up the floor which held most of the salt but snapped this picture real quick to remember how proud of himself he was that he had found something to play with by himself- you can see where he was running his fingers through the salt on the table.  

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