Saturday, February 14, 2015

February 10 = Art Project Day

Warning: This is a picture heavy post. 

Here's Malia being cute at Liam's therapy appointments.  She was making these cute sounds that were making all the little old ladies come over and look at her and talk to her and ask all sorts of questions and tell me how precious she is which is always fun.

 Then we did an art project at home!  Liam is wearing one of the robes Malia wore in the hospital- either when she had the seizures or when she went back later for an MRI.  We used red paint and a heart shaped cookie cutter- it didn't go quite as planned.

When I accepted this was not going to be a sheet with lots of pretty, perfect red hearts, I gave him a brush and he had fun with that.

Then we added more colors!

And then we rested.  Art is hard work!

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