Saturday, February 14, 2015

February 5 = Typical Thursday

I got a text from my brother asking if I could proofread his paper.  At the moment, my brain was not available because all I could hear was screaming.  I took these two pictures and sent them to him letting him know I'd try to read it during nap time.

This was after we got home from Liam's OT and ST appointments where the funniest thing happened.  As we were waiting for Liam's occupational therapist to come out, this little boy was very curious about Liam and Malia.  He was asking what their names are and how old they are... His last question was "Do you just have these two," and I said "Yep- just these two" and he said "You're lucky" and looked at his family and rolled his eyes.  Apparently he has more siblings than he knows what to do with.

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