Friday, August 12, 2016

August 6 = COLDPLAY DAY!

Oh my goodness.  Zachary and I drove to Philadelphia this morning- Grandma & Aunt Shari are watching the kids for us.  Zachary got tickets to a Coldplay concert for me for Valentine's Day and I've been eagerly awaiting this day since then.  As soon as we got to the hotel, we passed out.  When we woke up, we immediately started walking toward the stadium and got there really early.  Here's a picture of downtown Philadelphia from the stadium:

 And here's the almost empty stadium that we got to super early:

Selfie Alert:

So when I say we were there early I mean like two hours early.  So here's some stuff I found and liked on Facebook while we were waiting:

If you can't read this it says: You could eat off my floor.  Just add an egg to the crumbs and voila- surprise casserole!

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