Monday, November 4, 2019

September 10 = Sweet Sisters Day

Kayleigh gets so excited every day when Malia gets home- she grabs her and hugs her and then they walk hand in hand back home :)

Monday, September 23, 2019

September 7 = Liam's Birthday Party

For Liam's birthday we had lunch at Chili's with Grandma and Dops!

Grandma made Liam a cake- we had a PJ Masks theme- Alexandra had brought this shirt last weekend so it was the perfect one for him to wear on his special day!

Since Zachary was out of town I wanted to make his day extra special so I posted on Facebook asking for people to send me short videos of them saying happy birthday to Liam.  People did not disappoint!  I'm not going to post the video because some people reallyyyyyyyyy went out of their comfort zone taking videos of themselves but here is the slideshow of pictures from his last year:

September 5 = Liam's Birthday

These are the only pictures I have from today.  It was quite a day- we're celebrating Liam's birthday with family on Saturday- we did an ice cream party after dinner but between school and ABA he was exhausted so this is what his birthday night looked like:

September 4 = Kayleigh & Mommy Day

Yesterday was a bit overwhelming between figuring out the bus situation- Liam's bus comes right to our door and I have the phone number of his driver and it's the same driver as last year so she called me and told me what time she'd be coming and it was easy.  Malia's situation was a bit different.  Because of Liam riding the special education bus I didn't know the normal process- they post all the bus routes online and you find which one has a stop close to your stop.  The only information you're given is when the first stop is and you just have to guess when the bus will get there.  So since Liam's comes up 6:50, I just headed to Malia's bus stop right after- better to be 30 minutes early to be 2 minutes late.  Well as I put her on the bus, the bus driver asks if I have my yellow card.  Liam had a yellow card last year- the number on your card has to match his for them to let him off the bus but I didn't get one in the mail for Malia.  Wellllllll they gave them out at the open house that I did not attend.  I had a broken ankle, three kids and no stroller and they were saying you'd have to park about half a mile from the school so I wasn't about that life.  So after I got Malia on the bus I had a MOPS playdate to go to and then went straight to the school to get my card... and it really seemed as soon as I got home I had to watch for the bus- because again, I didn't know when Malia's was coming.  So today we had a bit more time so we headed to Chickfila to have breakfast together :) I'm looking forward to Miss Kayleigh getting some individual attention.  I think she might be too.

September 3 = First Day of School

My babies are growing up!  These kids are used to waking up around 8 and this morning they had to wake up at 6.

But they were pretty cheerful!  I've done letter boards in the past but someone in my MOPS group posted a link to these printable signs so I went that route- took much less time :)

Kayleigh's feelings on her siblings being gone all day:

Monday, September 2, 2019

September 1 = Alexandra & Tyler Day

Alexandra and her boyfriend, Tyler, came to visit today.  It was the first time I've met Tyler so it was a special day for sure.  He really wanted to go to the Chesapeake Bay Bridge and the kids are decent in the car so it seemed like a good way to keep them occupied- and it was!  They liked the tunnels and seeing the ocean surround us.

Also- this is true and I have no words for how excited I am.

The one bad thing about me doing the most recent posts first is that I have to give background info that I'll repeat in subsequent posts.  But.  This is Zachary's first underway in a while so Grandma graciously offered to come up and help BEFORE I broke my ankle.  So it was even MORE appreciated with the broken ankle.  Well she watched the kids this morning so I could run all over Chesapeake to find these little containers to make packing lunch easier.  Guys I am 100% into doing a million hours of prep work if it makes the task itself go smoothly when it's go time.  So we have a system for packing lunches.  I read that if kids pack their own lunches, they're more likely to eat it.  Last year we just had Liam buy his lunch at school because the boy will eat anything but Malia... no way.  And if I'm packing her a lunch, I might as well pack Liam's lunch too.  So here we go- they'll grab a snack container containing veggie straws, pretzels or cheez-its... every Sunday I'll refill the 10 containers and be ready to go for the next week... grab an applesauce pouch, juice box for Liam, yoohoo for Malia, a granola bar and a fruit snack pouch.

Then they grab a veggie container- either carrots, cucumbers or celery this week- we may add bell peppers in the future but between those three I had plenty to fill these 10 containers which, again, will be refilled on Sunday and ready to go!  Oh and there are cheese sticks in the drawer that they'll grab.  I'm thinking of making a checklist they can use to make sure they've got everything... but anyways!  I'm super excited!

Also- here are some pictures from Grandma's visit!

There are cards that go with this equipiment and the guy in them has no shirt so Liam decided it would only be appropriate for him to also be shirtless.

Sunday, August 18, 2019

August 6-13 = Sammy Week

Oh my goodness.  Another Rover dog- this is Sammy.  He's a shih-Tzu.  This is his first time away from home and he's 9 years old.  He's so funny.  All of my pictures from this week are of him with or without our other animals and that's it.

August 14 = Bandit Day

So I shared a picture of Bandit in the post from the 15th but look at this babbbyyyyy oh my goodness!

August 15 = Woof Day

Here's another sweet Rover puppy- this one is named Bandit!  He's six months old and his mom and dad are just taking a day trip so we only have him for one night.  He's so so so very cute.  He's an Australian Shepherd and while I'm so happy to have him for the night I'm kind of relieved it's only for one night.  I am not in the market for a puppy, that's for sure.

Also check out this adorable child... everything she says is so cute.

August 16 = Brodie Day

This is the third time we've watch Mr. Brodie through the Rover app.  Since I haven't blogged in forever- I haven't shared our newest adventure- we dog sit!  People find us on this app and then send us a message letting us know what days they need and some info about their dog- it's been a lot of fun!  This is Brodie- a chocolate lab.  He's 75 pounds and 12 years old... he is absolutely no trouble at all.

August 17 = Liam's Pre-Birthday

Zachary's going to be underway for Liam's 7th birthday so we decided to throw him a mini party tonight so that Zachary could celebrate with us.  Zachary decided this at 6:00 and took the kids to the gym so I headed to Target and got some mini cheesecakes, a birthday boy pin, some party hats, candles, and some PJ Masks surprise toys- 7 of them of course.  Zachary had already gotten him a gift a few days before and it was a lovely little celebration.  He even shared with his sisters- Malia got to open two and Kayleigh got to open one.

Zachary has a family picture of us at the table but I don't have it at the moment- will add later- but I do have some videos.  The first is of Kayleigh at Target... I had to document the way she says no... she doesn't usually get away with saying no when it comes to us telling her to do something but... bah it's so cute.  But now I have video evidence that I can watch forever.  So no more missy.  Then we have some from Liam's birthday celebration.  Malia is upset in some of them because she wanted to open more and she didn't like the ones she got.  Typical.

August 18 2019 = Duty Day

Zachary's on duty today.  He was supposed to leave on Friday for a month and then it got pushed to Saturday and then it got pushed to Tuesday.  He has duty today (Sunday) but we got a bonus Saturday with him and we'll see him tomorrow night before he heads out.  I'm a bit nervous about this underway because it's been a while since I've been alone with the kids for this long- and let's just say I think it would be easier if school were back in session... I'd have just Kayleigh from 7:30-2:30 and we'd have a much more established routine buttttttttt alas we have two weeks left of summer.  So I'm going to focus on enjoying this time with my soon to be first grader and kindergartener!

Here is the one picture I've taken today:

I slept in a little this morning and when I finally emerged, the kids were giving their stuffed animals a concert with Liam's new microphone stand he got in his little pre-birthday party last night... that post coming soon.  I have a new strategy with the blog... I'm going to focus on the present and then do extra from the big gaping hole between this one and the previous one.  It's hard to see in this picture but each stuffed animal had it's own bow placed perfectly in her hair- except the elephant who had one on it's tail.

Saturday, March 2, 2019

Thursday, February 21, 2019

January 27 = Kayleigh Day

I just couldn't love her more:

January 26 = Waving Day

Look how smart I am, taking a screenshot of a memory so that I could blog about it over a year later:

Going.... going...


Ha- this isn't quite accurate for me- because of all of Liam's issues when he was born I didn't really focus on a lot of these "fears;" My first child worries were closer to the 2nd child worries on this chart but definitely still funny!

January 23 = Tshirt Day

But really: