Thursday, January 8, 2015

January 7 = Teething Day

Liam is feeling a lot better, Malia is definitely less miserable but today has been the roughest day for me.  Zachary had asked me a few times if I had a fever to which I quickly replied no but when I started shivering today, I checked it and sure enough, 101!  And my temperature is usually low so 101 is pretty bad for me.  So I laid down while he made dinner- Malia has not been sleeping at night and barely any during the day so taking into consideration with just her lack of sleep I'd be exhausted on a good day, I'm extremely exhausted also being sick.  So I was very relieved that dinner was taken care of- I didn't eat very much but it was worth waking up for to get to see this:

Liam never used any teething toys which was disappointing because he had no relief for his teething pain so I'm super excited that Malia does and when a teething toy isn't available, she'll find a way!

After dinner, Zachary took the babies to the gym and I got a little cleaning done around the house.  I checked the mail and there was something from Amazon.  Zachary had told me not to look at recently placed orders on Amazon so I figured it might be an early birthday present.  I waited until he got home and eagerly opened it, hoping it would be Joshua Radin's new CD and it was!!

Speaking of presents, Uncle Matty had gotten Liam and Malia Duke outfits for Christmas and because I'm a good sister-in-law, I put Malia in hers during the Duke v. Wake Forest game.  Even though it wasn't televised she still showed her spirit and it made for a great photo op!

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