Friday, September 25, 2015

September 23 = Make Big Moves Day

We had the room next to the kitchen serve as a little office.  It had the computer, my keyboard and all my craft stuff.  We had to get this fancy gate because given two minutes, Liam could do a ton of damage.  Yesterday, Zachary was looking at the gate and said something to the extent of "man, if we had had this gate when we moved in, we could have made this the playroom..." and I thought, well we still have a while here so let's do it!  So we did.  Before Zachary got home, I moved everything but the desk downstairs and when he got home, we moved the desk and then put down the floor tiles that were in Malia's bedroom at the last place we lived.  And we started moving toys up.  I didn't make it to the gym yesterday but really, it wasn't necessary- I burned my share of calories running up and down stairs.

Now I just have to reorganize all of this:

and the downstairs will be a place for us to escape to.  I've got my work cut out for me.

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