Monday, September 7, 2015

September 5 = Liam's Third Birthday!

The Naval Academy's first football game was today so Zachary had to attend and his Dad went with him- so the rest of us headed to Clark's Elioak Farm in Ellicot City.  This is the same place Malia had her seizures and then we went back a few weeks later and Liam had a blast.

As soon as we walked in, Liam found a slide.  He had everyone go down it with him- multiple times each.

 Eventually I got him to explore some other areas of the farm.  We saw some rabbits and chickens...

... some sheep...

...lots of horses...

 ...and some really stinky pigs.

 Matthew and Grace worked together to recreate a picture we took last year.  Here's this year's:

 And then I talked him into a pony ride- but he upgraded to a horse this year!  He did such a good job.

Then he found something else to climb on...

Malia had fun having every one take turns holding her but a day wouldn't be complete without a little sass from the little lady.

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