Friday, September 25, 2015

September 24 = Train Table Day

Today was another CDC day but Liam didn't go in until 10 so I had time to make some eggs for breakfast- Malia enjoyed them- Liam didn't.

We dropped Liam off and headed to the library for "Babies in Bloom."  Malia spent the majority of the time were there standing in the middle of the room.  But then the woman brought out bubbles and it was over.  I took a video but this is the best part of it- I took a screen shot of her face when she realized the bubbles were within reach.

Then we brought lunch to Zachary- she got a free ride back to the car when we headed out.

We ran to target and got Halloween costumes (I got an email that their costumes were 40% off just today so duh, I had to go).  Then we picked up Liam and came home.  When Zachary got home, we headed to Anna Kate's house- she had a train table she wasn't interested in anymore that she wanted to give to us.  Liam is a huge fan!

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