Saturday, February 6, 2016

February 4 = Ebee's Car Day

Liam has a unique talent- identifying cars by the people who drive them.  It's crazy to me how good he is at this.  Any car that is the same make and model as Gramps', Grammy's, Grandma's, Pops', my brother's, my or Zachary's car Liam can identify.  He also has started identifying my friend, Amy's, car but he calls it "Ebee's car" for Evie's car.  Zachary and I were on the way to the gym- where he sees Evie most often- and he started yelling "Ebee's car, Ebee's car!!"  So I had to take a picture so I'd remember to tell the story of how smart he is!!

1 comment:

  1. Little Liam, you are such a smart little boy!
