Saturday, February 6, 2016

January 31 = Family Day

Sundays are probably my favorite day- we usually try to do something outside of the house on Saturday but usually Sundays are low key days- especially during football season.  This morning, Grandma watched the kids while we went to the grocery store.  Such. A. Help.  We saw our old neighbors at the commissary with their two kids.  The dad questioned our decision to use time away from the kids to go to the grocery store but then he looked at the two carts they were having to push and his wife begging the baby to stop crying and I think he got it.  Here's Grandma and Liam while mom & dad were away:

 Then we got some family pictures:

And Zachary started a new game with Malia.  He does the "I got your nose" game and she gets it back from him and returns it to its rightful place!

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