Monday, February 22, 2016

February 8 = New Activity Day

First here's a picture of Malia making a mess... I don't know how she makes as big of a mess as she does:

Then- I took a picture of my keys because for the past two weeks we've been having to sign in at the front desk instead of just scanning our keychain because I had misplaced my keys.  I'll never know where they ended up because today, after two weeks of looking for these elusive things, Liam casually brought them to me.  Where he got them from will forever be a mystery.

Later, we did a new activity!  I've been saving toilet paper rolls in preparation for it and today was the day!  I labeled each with a different color- ones that I had little pom poms in and Liam had to put the pom pom in the roll that had the same color written on it.  I put little containers under each roll to catch them.  He had lots of fun!

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